178 research outputs found

    The Influence of the Media on the Epidemic of Eating Disorders in the United States

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    There is an epidemic happening in the United States. It is highly visible, yet it is still largely ignored. It affects women ninety percent of the time but can also affect men, and has been seen recently in younger and younger people (Hesse-Biber et al., 2006). It is an epidemic of eating disorders, and anyone who has lived through the past few decades can see that it has gotten worse. This paper will discuss several ways in which our society has contributed to the increase in eating disorders, namely in the use of visual portrayals of extremely thin women, the proliferation of weight-loss advertising, and the effect of these on one’s immediate socio-cultural network in continuing the obsession with weight. I will focus on women in this paper, though that is not to discount the men who are afflicted with eating disorders. In fact, eating disorders are increasingly affecting men and it is a very serious issue. It is a topic that deserves much more research and comparison with women’s experiences. I will conclude this paper by discussing ways in which we might reverse this epidemic and what is already being done to prevent and eventually end eating disorders

    nucleAIzer : A Parameter-free Deep Learning Framework for Nucleus Segmentation Using Image Style Transfer

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    Single-cell segmentation is typically a crucial task of image-based cellular analysis. We present nucleAIzer, a deep-learning approach aiming toward a truly general method for localizing 2D cell nuclei across a diverse range of assays and light microscopy modalities. We outperform the 739 methods submitted to the 2018 Data Science Bowl on images representing a variety of realistic conditions, some of which were not represented in the training data. The key to our approach is that during training nucleAIzer automatically adapts its nucleus-style model to unseen and unlabeled data using image style transfer to automatically generate augmented training samples. This allows the model to recognize nuclei in new and different experiments efficiently without requiring expert annotations, making deep learning for nucleus segmentation fairly simple and labor free for most biological light microscopy experiments. It can also be used online, integrated into CellProfiler and freely downloaded at www.nucleaizer.org. A record of this paper's transparent peer review process is included in the Supplemental Information.Peer reviewe

    The Antitumor Activity of Combinations of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy and Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Is Model-Dependent

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    In spite of impressive response rates in multiple cancer types, immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are active in only a minority of patients. Alternative strategies currently aim to combine immunotherapies with conventional agents such as cytotoxic chemotherapies. Here, we performed a study of PD-1 or PDL-1 blockade in combination with reference chemotherapies in four fully immunocompetent mouse models of cancer. We analyzed both the in vivo antitumor response, and the tumor immune infiltrate 4 days after the first treatment. in vivo tumor growth experiments revealed variable responsiveness to ICIs between models. We observed enhanced antitumor effects of the combination of immunotherapy with chemotherapy in the MC38 colon and MB49 bladder models, a lack of response in the 4T1 breast model, and an inhibition of ICIs activity in the MBT-2 bladder model. Flow cytometry analysis of tumor samples showed significant differences in all models between untreated and treated mice. At baseline, all the tumor models studied were predominantly infiltrated with cells harboring an immunosuppressive phenotype. Early alterations of the tumor immune infiltrate after treatment were found to be highly variable. We found that the balance between effector cells and immunosuppressive cells in the tumor microenvironment could be altered with some treatment combinations, but this effect was not always correlated with an impact on in vivo tumor growth. These results show that the combination of cytotoxic chemotherapy with ICIs may result in enhanced, similar or reduced antitumor activity, in a model- and regimen-dependent fashion. The present investigations should help to select appropriate combination regimens for ICIs

    2018 Research & Innovation Day Program

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    A one day showcase of applied research, social innovation, scholarship projects and activities.https://first.fanshawec.ca/cri_cripublications/1005/thumbnail.jp

    The first Miocene fossils from coastal woodlands in the southern East African Rift

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    The Miocene was a key time in the evolution of African ecosystems witnessing the origin of the African apes and the isolation of eastern coastal forests through an expanding arid corridor. Until recently, however, Miocene sites from the southeastern regions of the continent were unknown. Here, we report the first Miocene fossil teeth from the shoulders of the Urema Rift in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique. We provide the first 1) radiometric ages of the Mazamba Formation, 2) reconstructions of paleovegetation in the region based on pedogenic carbonates and fossil wood, and 3) descriptions of fossil teeth. Gorongosa is unique in the East African Rift in combining marine invertebrates, marine vertebrates, reptiles, terrestrial mammals, and fossil woods in coastal paleoenvironments. The Gorongosa fossil sites offer the first evidence of woodlands and forests on the coastal margins of southeastern Africa during the Miocene, and an exceptional assemblage of fossils including new species

    Jeux et enjeux de langage dans la construction d'un vocabulaire de géométrie spécifique et partagé en cycle 3 (analyse de la portée des jeux de langage dans un atelier de géométrie en cycle 3 et modélisation des gestes de l'enseignant en situation)

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    Based on the analysis of a geometry workshop facility at upper primary level ("cycle 3"), this thesis shows how the "language games" produced by the solution of problematic situations on solids can help the pupils to build new knowledge relating to a specific geometric vocabulary. This research draws up an original methodology for analysing the teacher's gestures, and considers the role and position of the teacher in the linguistic interactions studied. For that purpose, we propose to explain his actual ways of action then to model his action in situation in terms of tutorship and mediationA partir de l analyse d un dispositif d Atelier de géométrie en cycle 3, cette thèse montre comment les jeux de langage produits par la résolution de situations problématiques sur les solides peuvent favoriser la construction par les élèves de nouvelles connaissances relatives à un vocabulaire de géométrie spécifique. Grâce à l élaboration d une méthodologie originale d analyse des gestes de l enseignant, cette recherche propose également de rendre compte du rôle et de la place de l enseignant dans de telles interactions langagières. Pour ce faire, nous proposons d expliciter ses modalités effectives d intervention puis de modéliser son action en situation en termes de tutelle et de médiationLYON1-BU.Sciences (692662101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Évaluation régionale LEADER en Auvergne : un bilan mitigé et contrasté en termes de valeur ajoutée

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    Le programme d’initiative européenne LEADER constitue l’un des outils à disposition des territoires organisés pour l’élaboration, l’animation, et la mise en œuvre de stratégies locales de développement économique en milieu rural. À travers l’expérience de l’évaluation du programme en Région Auvergne, cet article met en évidence les difficultés à accompagner les acteurs économiques privés. Il souligne l’importance fondamentale de la coordination des acteurs locaux pour faire émerger des projets originaux, transversaux et innovants et le nécessaire ajustement des stratégies pour les adapter aux spécificités des territoires

    In vivo assessment of the antiparasitic effects of Allium sativum L. and Artemisia absinthium L. against gastrointestinal parasites in swine from low-input farms

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    Abstract Background Ethno-veterinary practices could be used as a sustainable developmental tool by integrating traditional phytotherapy and husbandry. Phytotherapeutics are available and used worldwide. However, evidence of their antiparasitic efficacy is currently very limited. Parasitic diseases have a considerable effect on pig production, causing economic losses due to high morbidity and mortality. In this respect, especially smallholders and organic producers face severe challenges. Parasites, as disease causing agents, often outcompete other pathogens in such extensive production systems. A total of 720 faecal samples were collected in two farms from three age categories, i.e. weaners, fatteners, and sows. Flotation (Willis and McMaster method), modified Ziehl–Neelsen stained faecal smear, centrifugal sedimentation, modified Blagg technique, and faecal cultures were used to identify parasites and quantify the parasitic load. Results The examination confirmed the presence of infections with Eimeria spp., Cryptosporidium spp., Balantioides coli (syn. Balantidium coli), Ascaris suum, Oesophagostomum spp., Strongyloides ransomi, and Trichuris suis, distributed based on age category. A dose of 180 mg/kg bw/day of Allium sativum L. and 90 mg/kg bw/day of Artemisia absinthium L. powders, administered for 10 consecutive days, revealed a strong, taxonomy-based antiprotozoal and anthelmintic activity. Conclusions The results highlighted the therapeutic potential of both A. sativum and A. absinthium against gastrointestinal parasites in pigs. Their therapeutic effectiveness may be attributed to the content in polyphenols, tocopherols, flavonoids, sterols, sesquiterpene lactones, and sulfoxide. Further research is required to establish the minimal effective dose of both plants against digestive parasites in pigs
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